Thursday, August 4, 2011

PVP: Win Lose, or Win Win?

This is largely train of thought and not a well put together article. You have been warned.


I still don't think PVP can result in consistently good results without some good rules to support that. I find a lot of parallels in MMORPGs to LARP. Both involve lots of players, minimal GM input ability, and a lot of interaction between players, especially when PVP comes up.

Modern Model: Now, a lot of PVP is neutered in MMO's to avoid the bad parts- small gains to get new gear, points, etc. with no real penalty beyond wasted time. The downside is it's very hollow. So you win the super bowl- so what? Maybe you get a little belt or title or cool sword, but you don't really do anything even kind of permanent. But at least the losers don't lose their characters. Unlike...

Early/MUD Model: Before the MMO, we had MUD PVP, much like LARP PVP. Usually kind of free for all, fight whoever for whatever reason, often getting to gank stuff and ruining a persons day, if not outright killing their character forever. Everyone has learned the perma-death in MMO's is not fun at all- or at least, no way has been found to make it fun. The good thing was, this kind of environ let PVP shape the world, and in games like EVE, it still can... only it CAN ruin your day, easy, especially if you play more casually.

In both models, there is a sense of winners and losers, which really is sort of the name of the game. Mitigating the loss is something, but what if loss had it's own 'kind' of gain to it?

New Model Possibilities

I like the idea of a structure where in PVP win leads to bigger changes, stuff that can lead to epic stories like in EVE or some LARPs I've played. Only... it more often just makes a mess and causes hurt feelings. The problem is, losing stings so very, very much in most LARP environ. You build a guild, you lose, guild is dead, legacy and character defecated on, end of story. So, where does the balance between softening the blow and having consequence lie?

I think, that maybe we need to start rewarding loss a little more. Cure frustration. XP systems in which character loss equals loss to the player feel unappealing anymore with MMOs doing away with it- you, the player, invest all the time and effort into playing, why are we punishing you for 'failing'? Does it make the game more fun for you? Others? Consequences are there for a reason, yes, but perhaps we should not be focused on the competition and 'winning' and rather what consequences do for a game.

In MMOs with mitigation to PVP, the biggest loss is time. Time kills. A lesser but equal reward could be offered, but I think this actually just drives away anyone who is not yet 'on top' of the competitive pyramid.

Same often happens in LARP like Vampire or most medieval. You come in at the bottom and have to fight your way up to 'noble' or 'elder' or whatever other badge you have- and it's such a long battle, you have to really be willing to pay dues to claim it. Then once you have, your just a few losses away from losing it all too.

So, it's the whole, what does it matter game? We want the best of consequences while avoiding the worst.

Rewards for Losing:

I think the best way to get this is to look at what winner's typically get and loser's typically lose. Since mostly I'm concerned about traditional larp, I'll start there.

Winner Gets:
*Loot of loser
*Perma-death of rival (sometimes)
*Harm to Rival faction

Loser Loses:
*All work done on character, including bg, clothes, etc as character is now an ex character
*Letting down others in faction

So... mitigation, then something new. No XP loss- you lose the character and faction, might as well keep the general level so time is not totally wasted. Now... I had a thought that big wins and losses might be accompanied by some big ST type powers for the slain foe- not so much to make things 'even', but enough that, when killing a character, they have the option to bring about more drama into the lives of people who laid them low.

This is easiest in more complex games where there are more resources than loot and XP. Land is a good one to play with- if after your death, a horde of goblins start to plague trade routes for those who laid you low, it gives you faction a little breathing room and provides at least a little teehee after you die.

I think also, there should be something along the lines of a 'will', something that goes into effect upon character death- something that guarantees, that in some small way, your character mattered.

Back to Basics: RPG's at tabletop are fun, because it's usually not a case of winners and losers, but how you play the game, fun times with friends. PVP moments often guarantee one person will not have fun or will have their contributions diminished. SO, to fix PVP, one must minimize the fun of losing and perhaps even give incentive to lose characters with dignity- rewards, not punishments.

I think a 'will' is something to explore. Next time.