Thursday, June 11, 2009

LARP Rules Part 1: Basic System and Martial Skills

Part One of my rules set. The top lines are some of my guidelines to how to make this game worthwhile. I'm curious to see what others think of them.


Experience is a measure of how important you have become to the story.
Loot will always unbalance the system.
Gamists ruin games. Such behavior yields nothing. No rewards for killing beyond survival and death.
Simulationists enhance the game. Wearing a good costume, armor, or appropriate weapon for a skill= bonus XP for purchase of matching trait. These rewards must be minor save perhaps the costume one.
Narrativists make the game worth playing. Good role playing, contributing story elements, or tying ones background into the plot will yield the equivalent of loot.

Basic Characters or the average NPC:
May use any weapon they can pick up and wield, including two handing, ranged weapons, and shields. Shields and ranged weapons deal one damage, “Heavy” weapons deal 3, all others deal 2.
1 hit = 1 death
Hit limb = limb disable
Armor adds 1-3 hits extra, in the area they cover.
Can do what your body can do
Racial Ability
Basic Skill
Heal at realistic rates, a wound usually equaling months of healing.

Character Abilities, Inherent:
Heroic Defenses- Have 10 hits and no longer lose limbs to damage.
Heroic Stamina- Will go unconscious rather than die after being struck to zero.
Wearing armor gives bonus XP for simulationism, but no HP.
Heroic Healing- Characters tend to be less hurt than they look. Regain 1 HP every ten minutes, all HP in 6 hours.
Charging- All characters can charge up their melee and ranged attacks. This means picking a single target and counting to multiples of 5. Upon reaching 5 seconds, add one damage multiplier and consider the weapon a category higher (Light to medium, medium to heavy, heavy stays the same). At ten seconds, all attacks should be heavy and have two extra damage modifiers. Packets and other ‘tiny’ ranged weapons may not be charged, though javelins, throwing axes, large knives, etc. may be.

Character Creation:
Step One: Distribute four point breaks. Can be assigned either to a specific skill OR to buy an adder OR to buy a limiter. Tool assisted skills cost two point breaks, miraculous skills cost three point breaks.
Every adder puts an increased multiplication on a skill's cost (x2 for one, x3 for two, etc). Every limiter level divides a skill's cost further down (1/2 for one, 1/3 for two, etc). Adders and limiters combined into a single skill cancel out one another on a level per level basis to avoid complex math. Once purchased, an adder or limiter may be applied to any power, but may not be removed. For instance, if Incantation was attached to Greater Offense and you wished to add damage to a weapon without incanting, you would have to purchase Greater Offense separately from the beginning.
Step Two: You have 70 points to spend on skills.

Character Abilities, Mundane:

Mundane abilities simulate things real people can do. While many of these things enter the realm of the fantastic (example: a high level character can fight perhaps a dozen enemies relatively unscathed), the feats one can achieve with this are not impossible, even if extremely unlikely. Modifiers may move some of these skills into Tool assisted or Miraculous abilities. However, all of these skills can be role played as one wishes. A x3 damage sword skill can be fighting prowess, a firey aura that blazes around ones sword, or a modification to ones blade that makes it even more damaging.

Martial Skills
These skills are all useful in combat. They are all things that people in real life can do theoretically, if not regularly. They may be RPed as more exotic techniques or powers if one desires.

Greater Defenses- More hits may be purchased. 50 points per level.
Skilled Defender- Extra hits for the purpose of ignoring special attacks, may not be used for normal hits. 20 per level.
Sixth sense- Extra hits versus surprise attempts only, cannot be used in mass combat. 3 per level.
Shield Skill- Anyone can use a shield. A shield can block anything, but will break if hit with four damage or more. Every level of shield skill increases its breaking point by a multiple. 50 points per level.

All offenses are taken for a specific weapon OR for a greater price for all weapons. If two handing, purchase the increase for each hand. If two-siding (staff), add 50% to cost.

Greater Offense: May purchase more damage for a weapon(x2). May be bought multiple times. Forty points per level, 120 if for all weapons.
Assassinate: As greater offense, but only for surprise strikes. Cannot be used in mass combat. 8 points per level, 24 if for all weapons.
Backstab: As greater offense, but only for attacks from the rear. May be used in mass combat. 20 points per level, 60 if for all weapons.

Special Attack: There are several special attacks in the game. These are interesting things that can sometimes be achieved in combat. Because these special attacks can utterly alter the course of a fight, they are restricted for most adventures. Players will be given what specials they have for a particular adventure in advance. However, if not informed, the player may assume he has one of the following types of attack and pick any of the effects below if he meets the level of special attack. He may instead pick multiple of the lower attacks if he so chooses.
When hit with a special, a number will be called. That number is the amount of damage the player may take rather than doing what the special requires- this damage may be ‘charged’ like other melee attacks. All attacks are once per day. 48 per level, 144 for all weapons.

Level 1- Knock: Hit shield or body and call "Knockback #!". This number is equal to a normal strike from the characters weapon, including damage multiplier. Otherwise, the player must expose his chest and take 3 steps back. The chest exposure is to simulate the disadvantage of proneness without the OOG safety risks. A shield reduces knockback to two steps.
Level 2- Disarm: Hit weapon and call "Disarm #!". Number equals normal weapon damage with an extra level of greater offense.
Level 3- Sunder: Hit weapon and call "Sunder #!". Number equals normal weapon damage with 2 extra levels of greater offense.
Level 4- Disable: Hit limb and call "Disable #!". Number equals normal weapon damage with 3 extra levels of greater offense.
Level 5- Blind/Deafen: Hit body and call "Blind #!" or "Deafen #!" In either case, role playing these in combat must be modified for safety. A blinded person is considered half hit points and must call half normal damage until unblinded. A deafened person cannot react to incantations or instructions in combat. Normal recovery time for either attack is one minute base out of combat. Number equals normal weapon damage with 4 extra levels of greater offense.

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