Saturday, June 20, 2009

LARP Rules Part 2: Resource Skills and Tool Assisted

Resource Skills
Represent wealth, resources, and other forms of material power. May represent treasures, magical items, or even contacts and organizational ties. All characters are assumed to have enough resources to survive their first event and own a handful of weapons (one weapon, one two handed weapon, two dual wielded weapons, weapon and shield, or one weapon and one ranged weapon). Any other items that a character wishes to have for RPing purposes are okay, but if they become useful by the rules, they will require a purchase of generic resources. For example, if a shoulder monkey was something you wished to have, it is fine, until that monkey is used to retrieve your keys or something- then you need to make a purchase.

Generic resources: Any IG item that suddenly finds a use, but has little in the way of hard and fast rules. The GM will assign a price to whatever the item is. This price may be renegotiated and the price refunded or raised at the GMs discretion. Variable price.
Travel resources: IG resources that allow rapid transit over land and sea. The ratings are abstract to avoid micro-management. First rank local(within state distances), second continental(within the land or sea), and third global(anywhere on the planet). Travel times are variable for many factors (weather, stealth, terrain, hostiles, etc) and will be decided by a GM. 1st Level: 10 self, 20 to take others.
2nd Level: 20 self, 40 to take others.
3rd Level: 30 self, 60 to take others.
Extra Weapons: Every purchase gives the character an extra weapon they may carry on their person. A character may change which weapons they bring between events, but may not change during play. 4 per weapon.
Spare weapons: If a weapon is sundered, this allows a character to have a spare they may retrieve. Spare weapons should be kept with other IG items. If off field, takes an hour to retrieve. 2 per spare.
Hired Men: Based on a formula. Must take time to gather your forces. May not do so more than once per day.
XP Cost of NPC(as PC+2)to the power of the npcs (squared for 2, cubed for 3, etc).

So, a brute squad of six one hit wonders would cost 26 or 64 xp.
The XP paid may be re-arranged for a different number of men.
So, the 64 points could be one 62 point NPC or two six point NPCs as well as six brutes.

Character Abilities, Tool Assisted:

Some things that are not possible with sheer human skill can be achieved with the help of tools. In the fantasy genre, such technology may be replaced with magic, but this is no reason it must. If it is possible by human ingenuity and tools today, it will likely be included here.

Basic Healing- Basic healing restores hits to a character instantly, number of times a battle equal to purchase. Surgery, combat drugs, braces, stitches, and other medicine should likely have the extended activation disadvantage and gestures as well. Basic healing only restores hits and cannot resurrect the dead, re-attach limbs, or other forms of healing. Starts at base 2 for 40 points per level, doubles every level. Can be performed every ten minutes.
Ex) Level 1, Heal 2 once a battle. Level 2, Heal 4 twice a battle. Level 3, Heal 6 thrice a battle, etc.
Communication- Allows communications faster and further than a messenger on horseback. Level one allows communication with anyone on field. Levels past one buy much like travel, first local, then continental, then global. A fourth level may be purchased for communications that span to other worlds and realms. 60 per level.
Air Travel- Like the more mundane version, but allows air travel. This means that a party may travel to otherwise unreachable areas like a valley surrounded by mountains or cloud kingdoms in the sky. Also allows them to skip over more hostile terrains in travel. Travel is much like the speed of a helicopter (~200 mph). 60 for self, 120 for others.
Fast Travel- A modifier for normal travel, each level enhances travel speed. One level is considered traveling at modern car speeds or by train for land, modern speed boat speeds for sea. If applied to Air travel, travel becomes the magnitude of an airliner (~650 mph). x4 cost for travel purchased.

Tool Assisted Adders-
Area Effects- Though useable for other effects, this generally refers to explosives and traps. The classic ‘fireball’, one must call out “Burst!” with the descriptor. As explosions (and battle) are chaotic, it is necessary to shout this. If someone does not hear it, they may be considered unaffected. This works within a 5ft radius of a strike point, whether ranged or point blank. Point blank area effects will hit you as well, though a ‘other only’ area effect may be purchased in Miraculous abilities. X4 cost.
Delay and Trigger Effects- Delay effects are used to represent poisons, bombs, and curses. The effect of a normal skill may come about later when this is used, at a specific time. This time can be any length, but must be set upon the use of the skill. If used on an area, clear tags or devices must be used to warn people, as otherwise they may walk through a bomb blast, not taking the damage as they were unaware of their peril entirely. X2
Trigger effects are delayed effects that happen upon a certain set of circumstances being reached. The more specific the circumstances, the more this skill adder costs. X3
***Recurring- Recurring effects happen again after a period of time. Will recur equal to the lowest part of skill it is bought for times at a minimum unit of minutes later per level for ease of use. If used in battle only take place once the battle is over.
Example) A level four damage toxin is used. After combat, four damage is dealt four times once every minute for the next four minutes. X4***

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