Saturday, June 20, 2009

LARP Rules Part 4: Traps


All characters can set basic traps, but specialists make them much more effectively. All traps are represented by a buzzer and a phys rep- a piece of twine, rope, or safe wire for snares and tripwires; some type of brambles, door, or other floor covering for pit traps. It is best to write down the damage of the trap on the buzzer.

Damage bonus may be bought for traps. Traps as a weapon point break counts for all three trap types. One may nest traps (Tripwire that causes trap door to drop into pit, where the octopus ensnares your legs) but only one of each trap.

Pit- Anyone can make a basic pit. Every ten minutes allows a foot of digging. 1 damage for 3 feet, 2 damage for six feet, 3 damage for 9 feet or deeper pits. Pit may do +1 damage if spikes are set in the floor. A floors worth of spikes takes 10 minutes to make. Additional dangers of the trap are represented by damage multipliers. Multiple characters can work to make a pit faster than a single character could, time total being divided by characters. Falling in to a pit over six feet may render one helpless to get out.

Snare- Anyone can set a basic snare trap. A loop of rope represents the snare and takes as long as you take to make the loop and set the buzzer. A snare disables one leg for a count of 10 seconds. Extra trap damage may be converted to 5 extra secs of immobilization OR an additional limb, starting with the other leg.

Tripwire: Anyone can set a basic trip wire. A strand of twine between two points represents this trap- this may even be suspended if the string can set off the trap without causing someone to trip. A tripwire will usually just cause one damage and takes as much time as it takes to set up.

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