Saturday, June 20, 2009

LARP Rules Part 3: Miraculous Skills, Adders and Limiters

Character Abilities, Miraculous:

These abilities encompass the truly impossible, the things of science fiction, fantasy, and the holy grails of future science. While these miracles are few and far between, they must be addressed. All miraculous abilities must be approved by a GM.

Combat Miracles
Invincibility- This ability is exactly what it sounds like and may not be purchased without a disadvantage attached. Cost is based on how narrow its ‘weakness’. Weaknesses such as “Fabled Sword of Lost Atlantis” are the basic purchase price for invincibility. A wider range of weaknesses or more common substance “Silver” or “Vampire Weakness” is the next level. The fifty-fifty of immunity to magic or immunity to physical is next. Last is immunity to a specific damage source, such as swords, fire, arrows, etc. 400/200/100/50

Transformation- Much like damage, save that instead of going unconscious a character is transformed at the end of combat. This transformation damage tracks separately from normal damage and must equal hits to initiate a transformation. When the transformation damage totals to hits, the character goes unconscious for game purposes but is ‘transforming’ in game. The basic version will transform them into something allied to you. The limited version allows you to transform a characters body but not their mind. The least version only works on willing targets. Depending on the depth of transformation, experience may be spent in a vastly different fashion to represent changes made, but no extra experience or abilities will be rewarded.
360 points per level/180 points per level/90 points per level.

Resurrection/Regeneration- The ability to bring a dead character back to life. Base cost is times per combat in levels. No restrictions need to be taken but it is prohibitively expensive and recommended that one do so. 300 points per level.

Mind Control
While characters are often influential, its rare that their words are truly controlling. If one wishes to convince others, work on your communication skills and ability to give stirring speeches. If one wants to make it a sure thing, use mind control.
Domination- Used to manipulate other characters, making them instantly follow your every command until control is broken (either character is knocked out). You can control characters of a level equal to your mind control level singularly. For multiple characters, you must have a level equal to their levels added together. Announce “Mind Control #!” to your target and he will tell you his level to let you know if he resists and how impaired you mind control is until your control is released. While packets and weapon strikes are not necessary to use this skill, you may use one to get the targets attention. 240 per level
Emotion Control- The ability to give a character a certain attitude is easier than commanding their every action. Emotions may include fear, love, hatred, etc. and may include a target for the emotion (love him, hate her, fear food, etc.). This emotion lasts for a minimum of five seconds per level, but outside of combat it will continue until a character is jarred from the feeling by something. Emotion control can be used a number of times equal to its level every 10 minutes. When used, say the “[Name of the emotion] [Emotion target, if any] #!” to the target. While packets and weapon strikes are not necessary to use this skill, you may use one to get the targets attention. 50 for one emotion, 150 for all emotions.

Limitations and Adders:
Incantations- Must speak loudly and obviously. For instant occurrences, may be one to as many words as you feel necessary. For longer, must speak, sing, or chant entire time, though chant does not need to be specific. If combined with gestures and activation, packets count as base 4.

Gesture- Ones hands must be empty of all useful in game items when one uses this skill. Must be done entire time skill is being used. Spell packets may be considered a non-item in this case, but may not be used before the gesturing is completed. If combined with extended activation, packets count as 3 damage.

Extended activation- Every skill is considered instant unless modified. The following list is for all skills activations, save those whose time are GM controlled. Instant, concentration(five seconds per skill level affected), Ritual (one minute per level affected), and Grand Rite (one hour per skill level affected). If concentration is used for throwing packets, consider packets base 2 damage.

Useable by others- Lend effects will make you lose the skill while you let another borrow it and cost a percentage of the points spent. Boosts will temporarily grant the bonus to others as many times as you like. Boost costs can be reduced very slightly if applicable to others only.

Silent- Some skills are inherently noisy. Silent allows them to be used in ‘virtual’ silence. This adder may not be purchased if a GM feels it will be too problematic for RP purposes.

From Behind- May only be used for attacks that hit the back. Cannot be used for non-offensive skills.

While running away- May be used only when retreating

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